Do you think I'm target practice? You're not even on my axis And put in a soundproof casket She was such a gifted actress The kids say that I talk too much and I'm too wound up But my mom's friend Cheryl says I'm funny as fuck So talk your shit and squash your bugs While I read my books and do my drugs Fell asleep in math this morning Slammed my head against the table Every day's so goddamn boring But I don't mean to sound ungrateful Do you think I'm target practice? You're not even on my axis And put in a soundproof casket She was such a gifted actress They told me not to cut my hair 'cause it frames your face What's a girl like you doing in this place? When it all goes numb and I'm eating dirt Thank God I didn't wear a skirt Fell asleep in math this morning Slammed my head against the table Every day's so goddamn boring But I don't mean to sound ungrateful Fell asleep in math this morning Slammed my head against the table Every day's so goddamn boring But I don't mean to sound ungrateful Do you think I'm target practice? You're not even on my axis And put me in a soundproof casket She was such a gifted actress